Enterprise App Development
Enterprise App Development
Course Outline: Enterprise App Development
Course Outline: Enterprise App Development
Course Outline: Enterprise App Development
Week 1-2: Introduction to Enterprise Applications
Week 1-2: Introduction to Enterprise Applications
Week 3: Building Enterprise-Scale Web Applications
Week 3: Building Enterprise-Scale Web Applications
Week 4-5: Enterprise Database Management
Week 4-5: Enterprise Database Management
Week 6: Security in Enterprise Applications
Week 6: Security in Enterprise Applications
Month 2: Advanced Enterprise Development
Month 2: Advanced Enterprise Development
Week 9-10: Cloud Computing for Enterprise Apps
Week 9-10: Cloud Computing for Enterprise Apps
Week 11: Performance and Scalability
Week 11: Performance and Scalability
Month 3: Enterprise App Development Project
Month 3: Enterprise App Development Project
Week 15-16: Final Presentation and Portfolio Development
2 weeks
Text lesson
Week 15-16: Final Presentation and Portfolio Development
Week 15-16: Final Presentation and Portfolio Development
Presenting the final enterprise application
Building a portfolio for enterprise app developers
Preparing for roles in enterprise development
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